If you have not already, now is the time to ensure your team is thinking strategically about recovery. It is easy to get overwhelmed with the response process and the complexities of adapting operations to our new normal. It is, however, vital for long term success to allow time for some strategic thinking.
Read MoreGiven the current economic outlook and the critical need for all business owners to take an active role in overseeing the response, we feel compelled to re-emphasise the key messages that almost all professionals are now passing on to their clients.
Read MoreThe first and last thing that I will say about that in this article is this: There are many realistic scenarios that could pan out over the coming months, some much more positive than others, but if you prepare for the worst you will be well-placed to tackle whatever comes your way. Here goes…
Read MoreThe times they are a-changing. Some businesses will be frantically working to get back up and running. Others will be champing at the bit, but still have some time on their hands. Whatever your position, do try to set aside time at some stage to pause and assess how it went. Seize the moment and opportunity to learn from the lessons of the past several weeks and see if they can provide a lasting benefit for your business.
Read MoreIn just a couple of days New Zealand will be returning to normal....or will it? Whilst we can be very grateful to live in a country that has put the health and lives of its people first, the impact has been huge and there are bound to be changes.
Read MoreCovid-19 has brought into focus the importance of understanding your business and its potential. To illustrate a point, consider the following hairdressers…
Read MoreFunding from the initial $500m COVID-19 response health package has been allocated to help Kiwis cope at this challenging time.
The Ministry of Health is making three distinct apps available free of charge to all New Zealanders at this time.
Read MoreAn employee can be required to work on a public holiday only if the individual would otherwise have worked on that day and if the employment agreement requires the person to work on public holidays. In all other circumstances, employees need only work on a public holiday if they agree to do so and this should be recorded in writing.
Read MoreEmployers may be eligible for support via the Wage Subsidy Scheme or the Essential Workers Leave Scheme if the employer has been adversely affected by COVID-19.
Read MoreThe following table has been prepared by the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment (MBIE) to provide guidance on employee leave and pay, to ensure compliance with the Government Covid-19 rules.
Read MoreHow often have you felt that you really need a breather; a time to stand back from your business to reassess what you are doing and how you are doing it? This may be your chance.
Read MoreWe continue to receive questions about the wage subsidy scheme, which was further clarified by the Finance Minister in a press release following the 27 March announcement of the modifications. This article compiles a few of these questions and one relating to pay for the upcoming public holidays.
Read MoreThe Government has announced its intention to provide relief to Directors who may be liable for breaching the Law at this time.
Read MoreCOVID-19 is here and the situation is likely to get worse before getting better.
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