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How to Put an End to Procrastination

About the Authors:


World-renowned business strategists and authors of several international best-selling books on management. Neil is a sought-after keynote, conference and motivational speaker and Jarvis is the award-winning founder and editor of Australia's best known magazine for school administrators.

Procrastination is one of the main reasons why we don't perform to our full potential. It is a comfortable human habit and, as such, is not easy to break.

However, if you allow procrastination to become a deeply entrenched behaviour pattern, it can wreck your personal effectiveness and, in turn, the effectiveness of your organisation. Here are some simple techniques to beat procrastination. See what works best for you…

1. The priorities plan

If there are so many tasks and too little time, do the important things first. Prioritise and give greatest and immediate attention to the most pressing jobs.

2. The divide-and-conquer strategy

If the task appears too big or awkward, break it up into smaller, manageable components. Once you start accumulating small victories, you'll be well on your way. This approach is advocated by management experts Edwin Bliss—the 'Salami Technique', because you slice up the task like a salami, and Alan Lakein—the 'Swiss Cheese Method', because you punch small holes in the big job.

3. The killer-punch plan

The divide-and-conquer strategy won't work if your problem is that you keep putting off a one-shot task like returning a phone call, firing a worker or writing a thank-you note. The killer punch is needed for that specific task which can only be accomplished in one hit. There is only one solution. Get it off your plate immediately. Act now.

4. The ten-minute treatment

Take the task you've been putting off and spend ten minutes a day on it. After your first ten whole-hearted minutes, reconsider. If you put it aside until tomorrow, OK. Chances are, however, you'll have gained enough momentum to go beyond the planned ten minutes.

5. The bribe-yourself technique

Promise yourself a reward for getting the job done by a certain deadline. Bribe yourself with new clothes, a night out, a walk along the beach. But don't cheat yourself by accepting your bribe before you've finished, for that will only reinforce your procrastination.

6. The post-a-sign strategy

Display an obvious reminder sign at work or home (preferably where it will annoy your colleague or spouse so that they can pressure you as well). This deals with the 'out of sight, out of mind' principle.

7. The do-nothing method

Do nothing for 15 minutes, nothing but stare at and think about the job at hand. According to Alan Lakein, 'you should become very uneasy—and after 10 minutes, you'll fire and be off and running'.

8. The see-it-all-done approach

Calano and Salzman recommend this exercise if you're having trouble getting started: Close your eyes and relax… Imagine that you have just finished your project, done a terrific job, and are basking in the good feeling of having achieved another goal. In your vision, focus on every process you went through to complete the task: the details, the hang-ups, the breakthroughs. Concentrate particularly on the elation of realising your reward.

Such visualisation, they say, makes any task seem less intimidating.

9. The lock-away technique

If you simply need to isolate yourself from interruption for a couple of hours to get a difficult job done, tell people about your problem and lock yourself away from others for the required period.

10. The monitoring manoeuvre

For long, seemingly overwhelming tasks, involve a friend or colleague, not to do the job for you but to provide support, to check on progress, and to nudge you gently, and often, towards the deadline.

11. The go-public tactic

Commit yourself publicly to a deadline. To avoid embarrassment, you'll get the job done, or lose face. The incentive could be greater if you make a $12 lottery ticket bet with a colleague.

12. The peak performance time routine

Do your toughest jobs at that time of day when you are most alert, rested and energised. Or an unusual time.

E.g. set an alarm for 4 am to tackle that difficult task you keep putting off.

Just about Everything a Manager Needs to Know

By Neil Flanagan and Jarvis Finger

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