IRD in Brief

Mar-Apr 2020: Tax Relief - COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus)

From the IRD, in Brief:


Tax relief and income assistance is available to people affected by the downturn in business due to the COVID-19 (novel coronavirus). We have a range of ways to help depending on your circumstances. If you have a tax agent, they should also be able to help.

Provisional tax estimates

You may be able to make an estimate or re-estimate of provisional tax, if your circumstances have changed due to the COVID-19. We can arrange early refunds if provisional tax has been overpaid.

Unable to pay your tax

If you're having difficulty paying outstanding tax, we can help you set up an instalment arrangement. You can apply in myIR.

You can also apply for a write-off due to serious hardship when you know you won't be able to pay the full amount.

Jack Wilton
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