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Tax Bites #22 -  Working at home during Covid-19 lockdown – THE TAX ISSUES

About the Author:


Director at Tax Central
A chartered accountant and a member of the International Fiscal Association and the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners, Murray has over 30 years experience in tax.

I have received several queries in respect of “working at home” costs during Covid-19 lockdown. A summary of the position is:

  1. Employees cannot claim deductions incurred in deriving employment income. That includes shareholder-employees.

  2. However, employers may reimburse costs. Inland Revenue has issued a determination relating to reimbursements.

  3. Reimbursements paid by employers to employees for home office costs are not taxable to employees and are deductible for employees. However, if the reimbursements are excessive, the excessive amount is taxable income and is subject to PAYE.

  4. A sole trader or partner in a partnership may claim deductions for home office costs incurred in deriving income. Many of these taxpayers will already be familiar with claiming “home office costs”.


Employees may not claim home office or workspace costs as there is a prohibition on claiming costs incurred in deriving employment income, see subsection DA 2(4) of the Income Tax Act 2007.

Employers may reimburse employees who are working from home.

FURNITURE EQUIPMENT or Up to $400 maximum “safe harbour” This is the only amount paid for furniture & equipment
25% of cost of item Item is used at least partly for job
75% of cost of item Item is used at mainly for job
100% of cost of item Item is used exclusively for job
TELECOMMUNICATION USAGE PLAN COSTS Up to $5 per week Plan used for job
25% of employee’s costs Cost is at least partly for job
75% of employee’s costs Cost is mainly for job
100% of employee’s costs Cost is exclusively for job
OTHER EXPENDITURE Up to $15 per week $15 is the only payment made for other expenditure

No evidence is required for the “safe harbour” furniture and equipment or the $15 per week other expenditure payment. In respect of all other payments, the employer must have evidence of the employee’s costs AND the degree to which the item is used in the employee’s job.

Please note, if the reimbursements are excessive, the excessive amount is taxable income and is subject to PAYE.

Many self-employed taxpayers will have been claiming home office costs. This can be based on either:

  1. Methodology prescribed in section DB 18AA; OR

  2. Apportionment of actual costs.

Section DB 18AA methodology requires two steps:

  1. The area primarily used for the home office or workspace is identified. That area is then multiplied by the Inland Revenue rate ($41.70), which excludes mortgage interest, rates or rent.

  2. Separate deductions for mortgage, rates or rent. These costs are calculated on an apportionment basis.

The alternative approach is an apportionment of actual costs.

Murray McClennan

Tax Central Ltd
027        244-5365

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