Using Wage Subsidy Funds for Redundancy Payments
If we received the Wage Subsidy for an employee with the intention of retaining him, but now realise we will have to let him go, can I use the balance of the subsidy as a redundancy payment to him? We have no redundancy clause in our Contract so are not obliged to pay anything additional to his annual leave entitlement. He has been on full pay since the lockdown, at home not working.
The following is from the Work and Income website:
If you have to make an employee redundant during the subsidy period:
you can use the Wage Subsidy to pay the employee any notice period arising from the redundancy;
you must repay any balance of the Wage Subsidy that’s left after the notice period has been paid;
you cannot use the Wage Subsidy to make any contractual redundancy payments to an employee; and
you must notify the Ministry of Social Development within 5 working days if any of the employees named in your application end their employment relationship with you.