Helping New Zealand Business through Good Times and Bad
The Financial & Business Advisor Limited (FBA) offers a top quality, low cost support service for New Zealand businesses.
Since 1995, FBA experienced impressive growth due to the exceptional value provided by the service. Thousands of New Zealand businesses have subscribed, and most of our subscribers renew their subscription each year.
The service is designed to support all businesses, from the sole operator to large organizations, no matter what industry you may be in. We keep you up to date with information and advice needed to run a successful business as well as offering many added-value options to support your needs.
FBA works with leading New Zealand business, accounting, tax and legal experts to support your needs.
The service includes publications, information, advice, and many other benefits all of which are included in the remarkably low-cost annual subscription. Read our testimonials to see what others have to say about us.
➤ Mailing Address
PO Box 69253
Auckland 0645
0800 829 847
+64 9 836 5060
Our Services
BI-Monthly Journal
Every two months: Your Bi-Monthly Journal keeps you up to date with changes that may affect your business, topical issues and hints and tips to keep you ahead of the game.
Subscribers also gain access to hundreds of old journal articles which are kept relevant and up to date.
Quick Reference Guides
You will receive access to books summarising in plain English just about everything you need to know to keep informed and run a successful business in New Zealand. They are updated annually for your benefit and are available to subscribers on request for no extra charge.
Q & A Service
We work with leading organisations to answer business queries for our subscribers. No need to pay hundreds of dollars an hour for professional support to answer those nagging questions about your business.
Online Courses
Countless hours of quality online instructional material on topics such as Business, Economics, Finance, Software and much more.
Advertise through our business directory
Web exposure to thousands of businesses.
All for less than the cost of a 1-day course!!
Money - Back Guarantee
We are so confident in the value you will receive for your subscription that we offer a no-questions asked 14 day money-back guarantee.
If you have taken a look at what our subscription offers and you still have a couple of questions, please feel free to fill in the form below.
A friendly member of our team will contact you and put any queries to rest.